publications enabled by the Facility in 2005-2025
Cameron S. Vojvodin, Sean T. Holmes, Christine E. A. Kirschhock, David
A. Hirsh, Igor Huskic, Sanjaya Senanayake, Luis Betancourt, Wenqian Xu, Eric
Breynaert, Tomislav Fricic, Robert W. Schurko, Rietveld Refinement
and NMR Crystallographic Investigations of Multicomponent Crystals Containing
Alkali Metal Chlorides and Urea
(2025) preprint
333) Roberta Beccaria, Andrea Pizzi, Giuseppe Resnati, David L. Bryce, 127I Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Organic Periodates Featuring Halogen Bonded IO4-IO4 Adducts, ChemPhysChem (2025) e202401030.
Carl H. Fleischer, Sean T. Holmes, Kirill Levin, Stanislav L. Veinberg,
Robert W. Schurko, Characterization of ephedrine HCl and pseudoephedrine
HCl using quadrupolar NMR crystallography guided crystal structure prediction,
Faraday Discussions 255 (2024) 88-118.
331) Shoushun Chen, Zelin Zhang, Wei Chen, Bryan E. G. Lucier, Mansheng Chen, Wanli Zhang, Haihong Zhu, Ivan Hung, Anmin Zheng, Zhehong Gan, Dongsheng Lei & Yining Huang, Understanding water reaction pathways to control the hydrolytic reactivity of a Zn metal-organic framework, Nature Communications 15 (2024) 10776.
330) Olga B. Lapina, Dzhalil F. Khabibulin, Aleksandr A. Shubin, Evgeniy Papulovskiy, Victor V. Terskikh, Israel E. Wachs, Structure and reactivity of surface vanadia sites in bi-layered supported VOx/AlOx/SiO2 catalysts via solid-state NMR, first-principles calculations, and catalytic studies, Catalysis Today 441 (2024) 114880.
329) Yizhe Dai, Victor Terskikh, Gang Wu, A combined solid-state 1H, 13C, 17O NMR and periodic DFT study of hyperfine coupling tensors in paramagnetic copper(II) compounds, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 132 (2024) 101945.
Gang Wu, Yizhe Dai, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Victor Terskikh, 1H/17O
Chemical Shift Waves in Carboxyl-Bridged Hydrogen Bond Networks in Organic
Solids, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128 (2024) 4288-4296.
Tamali Nag, Victor V. Terskikh, David L. Bryce, Experimental Evidence
for Non-Fermi-Contact J Coupling Across Chalcogen Bonds in Ionic Salt Cocrystal
Polymorphs, Angewandte Chemie 63 (2024) e202402441.
326) Amit Bhattacharya, Vidyanshu Mishra, Victor V. Terskikh, Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Influence of Ge substitution on the structure and optical properties of Cu2ZnSn1-xGexS4 photovoltaic materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12 (2024) 15938-15949.
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Wanli Zhang, Bryan E. G. Lucier, Victor V. Terskikh, Shoushun Chen,
Yining Huang, Understanding Cu(i) local environments in MOFs via 63/65Cu
NMR spectroscopy, Chemical Science 15 (2024) 6690-6706.
Cover Article) |
Chemical Science highlight "A focus on applying 63/65Cu solid-state NMR spectroscopy to characterize Cu MOFs" 15 (2024) 6604-6607. |
324) Sean T. Holmes, Jasmin Schönzart, Adam B. Philips, James J. Kimball, Sara Termos, Adam R. Altenhof, Yijue Xu, Christopher A. O'Keefe, Jochen Autschbach, Robert W. Schurko, Structure and bonding in rhodium coordination compounds: a 103Rh solid-state NMR and relativistic DFT study, Chemical Science 15 (2024) 2181-2196.
323) Arun Krishnamurthy, John E. C. Wren, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Scott Kroeker, Composition-dependent structural role of lead in aluminoborate and galloborate glasses: A solid-state NMR study, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 107 (2024) 4522-4535.
322) Diganta Sarkar, Amit Bhattacharya, Jan Meyer, Anna Maria Kirchberger, Vidyanshu Mishra, Tom Nilges, and Vladimir K. Michaelis, Unraveling Sodium-Ion Dynamics in Honeycomb-Layered Na2MgxZn2xTeO6 Solid Electrolytes with Solid-State NMR, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145 (2023) 1972719745.
321) Vinicius Martins, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Kuizhi Chen, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Christel Gervais, Christian Bonhomme, Heng-Yong Nie, Wanli Zhang, and Yining Huang, Molecular-Level Characterization of Oxygen Local Environments in a Pristine and Post-Synthetically Modified MetalOrganic Framework via 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Chem. Mater. 35 (2023) 35553569.
320) Victoria L. Houde; Roberta L. Flemming; Audrey Bouvier; Victor Terskikh, Cation Ordering in Spinel from Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions in Carbonaceous Chondrites NWA 2364 and NWA 6991 to Quantify Temperature in the Early Solar System, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 61 (2023) 749766.
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319) Vinicius Martins, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Zhiqang Liu, Heng Liang, Anmin Zheng, Victor V. Terskikh, Wanli Zhang, Bligh E. Desveaux, and Yining Huang, Cold, Hot, Dry, and Wet: Locations and Dynamics of CO2 and H2O Co-Adsorbed in an Ultramicroporous MOF, Inorganic Chemistry 62 (2023) 1115211167. (Front Cover Article) |
318) Riley W. Hooper, Katherine Lin, Jonathan G.C. Veinot, Vladimir K. Michaelis, 3D to 0D Cesium Lead Bromide: A 79/81Br NMR, NQR and Theoretical Investigation, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 352 (2023) 107472
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317) Wanli Zhang; Alia Hassan, Jochem Struppe, Martine Monette, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Vinícius Martins, Victor Terskikh, Yining Huang, Overcoming challenges in 67Zn solid-state NMR for MOF characterization: enhanced sensitivity leads to enhanced structural information, Chemical Communications 59 (2023) 5205. (Frontispiece Cover Article) |
316) Brayden Glockzin, Meagan S. Oakley, Abhoy Karmakar, Arkadii Pominov, Aaron A. Mitchell, Xiaochuan Ma, Mariusz Klobukowski, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Alkali Tin Halides: Exploring the Local Structure of A2SnX6 (A=K, Rb; X= Cl, Br, I) Compounds Using Solid-state NMR and DFT Computations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (2023) 7284-7298
315) Sean T. Holmes, Cameron S. Vojvodin, Natan Veinberg, Emilia M. Iacobelli, David A. Hirsh, Robert W. Schurko, Hydrates of active pharmaceutical ingredients: A 35Cl and 2H solid-state NMR and DFT study, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 122 (2022) 101837.
314) Amit Bhattacharya, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dylan G. Tkachuk, Arthur Mar and Vladimir K. Michaelis, Mercurial possibilities: determining site distributions in Cu2HgSnS4 using 63/65Cu, 119Sn, and 199Hg solid-state NMR spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022) 24306-24316.
313) Wanli Zhang, Shoushun Chen, Victor V. Terskikh, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Yining Huang, Multinuclear solid-state NMR: Unveiling the local structure of defective MOF MIL-120, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 119 (2022) 101793.
312) Diganta Sarkar, Riley W. Hooper, Abhoy Karmakar, Amit Bhattacharya, Arkadii Pominov, Victor V. Terskikh, and Vladimir K. Michaelis, Metal Halide Perovskite and Perovskite-like Materials through the Lens of Ultra-wideline 35/37Cl NMR Spectroscopy, ACS Materials Lett. 4 (2022) 12551263.
311) Ellan K. Berdichevsky, Victoria A. Downing, Riley W. Hooper, Nathan W. Butt, Devon T. McGrath, Laurie J. Donnelly, Vladimir K. Michaelis, and Michael J. Katz, Ultrahigh Size Exclusion Selectivity for Carbon Dioxide from Nitrogen/Methane in an Ultramicroporous MetalOrganic Framework, Inorg. Chem. 61 (2022) 79707979.
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Riley W. Hooper, Chuyi Ni, Dylan G. Tkachuk, Yingjie He, Victor V. Terskikh,
Jonathan G. C. Veinot, and Vladimir K. Michaelis, Exploring Structural
Nuances in Germanium Halide Perovskites Using Solid-State 73Ge and 133Cs
NMR Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13
(2022) 1687-1696
(Cover Article) |
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Jiahui Shen, Victor Terskikh, Jochem Struppe, Alia Hassan, Martine
Monette, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Andreas Brinkmann, Gang Wu, Solid-State
17O NMR Study of a-D-Glucose: Exploring New Frontiers in Isotopic Labeling,
Sensitivity Enhancement, and NMR Crystallography, Chemical Science
13 (2022) 2591-2603
(Back Cover Article) |
Nature Reviews Chemistry highlight "Sweet 17O" 6 (2022) 87. |
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308) Scott A. Southern, Tamali Nag, Vijith Kumar, Michael Triglav, Kirill Levin, David L. Bryce "NMR Response of the Tetrel Bond Donor," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022) 851865 (Cover Article) |
307) Thomas Bräuniger, Philipp Bielec, Otto E.O. Zeman, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Constantin Hoch, Wolfgang Schnick "Synthesis of the scandium chloride hydrates ScCl3·3H2O and Sc2Cl4(OH)2·12H2O and their characterisation by X-ray diffraction, 45Sc NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations," Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 76 (2021) 217-225.
306) Vinicius Martins, Jun Xu, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Christel Gervais, Christian Bonhomme, Yining Huang "17O solid-state NMR at ultrahigh magnetic field of 35.2 T: Resolution of inequivalent oxygen sites in different phases of MOF MIL-53(Al)," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 59 (2021) 940-950.
305) Brittney A. Klein, Dylan G. Tkachuk, Victor V. Terskikh, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Expanding the NMR toolkit for biological solids: oxygen-17 enriched Fmoc-amino acids" New Journal of Chemistry 45 (2021) 12384-12398.
304) Amit Bhattacharya, Dylan G. Tkachuk, Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Mere Anarchy is Loosed: Structural Disorder in Cu2Zn1xCdxSnS4," Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021) 47094722.
303) Abhoy Karmakar, Amit Bhattacharya, Diganta Sarkar, Guy M. Bernard, Arthur Mara, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Influence of hidden halogen mobility on local structure of CsSn(Cl1-xBrx)3 mixed-halide perovskites by solid-state NMR," Chemical Science 12 (2021) 3253-32631.
302) Adilah Bahadoor, Andreas Brinkmann, Jeremy E. Melanson, "13C-Satellite Decoupling Strategies for Improving Accuracy in Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," Analytical Chemistry 93 (2021) 851858.
301) Gang Wu, Victor Terskikh, Alan Wong, "Perspectives of fast magic-angle spinning 87Rb NMR of organic solids at high magnetic fields," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 59 (2021) 162-171.
300) Amit Bhattacharya, Yu Qiu, Guy M. Bernard, Sheila Butler, Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis, "Annealing induced structural evolution in feldspar dental glass-ceramics investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 289 (2020) 121501.
Yizhe Dai, Victor Terskikh, Andreas Brinkmann, and Gang Wu, Solid-State,
1H, 13C, and 17O NMR Characterization of the Two Uncommon Polymorphs of Curcumin,
Cryst. Growth Des. 20 (2020) 7484-7491.
298) Bryan E.G. Lucier, Victor V. Terskikh, Jiacheng Guo, Jeremy L. Bourque, Sarah L. McOnie, John A. Ripmeester, Yining Huang, and Kim M. Baines "Chlorine-35 Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as an Indirect Probe of the Oxidation Number of Tin in Tin Chlorides," Inorganic Chemistry 59 (2020) 1365113670.
297) Vinicius Martins, Jun Xu, Xiaoling Wang, Kuizhi Chen, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Christel Gervais, Christian Bonhomme, Shijia Jiang, Anmin Zheng, Bryan E.G. Lucier, and Yining Huang "Higher Magnetic Fields, Finer MOF Structural Information: 17O Solid-State NMR at 35.2 T," Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (2020) 1487714889.
296) Soumya Mukherjee, Shoushun Chen, Andrey A. Bezruko, Matthew Mostrom, Victor V. Terskikh, Douglas Franz, Shi-Qiang Wang, Amrit Kumar, Mansheng Chen, Brian Space, Yining Huang, Michael J. Zaworotko "Ultramicropore engineering by dehydration to enable molecular sieving of H2 by calcium trimesate," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (2020) 1618816194.
295) Abhoy Karmakar, Guy M. Bernard, Alkiviathes Meldrum, Anton O. Oliynyk, and Vladimir K. Michaelis "Tailorable Indirect to Direct Band-Gap Double Perovskites with Bright White-Light Emission: Decoding Chemical Structure Using Solid-State NMR," Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (2020) 1078010793.
294) Andrew Rinald, Victor V. Terskikh, Gabriele Schatte, Gang Wu "A combined solid-state 17O NMR, crystallographic, and computational study of oxiranes," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 98 (2020) 434-440.
293) Jun Xu, Victor V. Terskikh, Yueying Chu, Anmin Zheng, Yining Huang "13C chemical shift tensors in MOF a -Mg3(HCOO)6: Which component is more sensitive to host-guest interaction?," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 58 (2020) 1082-1090.
292) Daniel A. Levenson, Jinfeng Zhang, Patrick M.J. Szell, David L. Bryce, Benjamin S. Gelfand, Racheal P.S. Huynh, Nicholas Fylstra, George K.H. Shimizu "Effects of Secondary Anion on Proton Conduction in a Flexible Cationic Phosphonate Metal-Organic Framework," Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020) 679687.
291) David A. Hirsh, Sean Holmes, Paroma Chakravarty, Austin Peach, Antonio DiPasquale, Robert W. Schurko "In Situ Characterization of Waters of Hydration in a Variable-Hydrate Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient using 35Cl Solid-State NMR and X-ray Diffraction," Crystal Growth & Design 19(2019) 73497362.
Maria A. Matlinska, Michelle Ha, Bryden Hughton, Anton O. Oliynyk, Abishek
K. Iyer, Guy M. Bernard, Gareth Lambkin, Mason C. Lawrence, Michael J. Katz,
Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Alkaline Earth MetalOrganic
Frameworks with Tailorable Ion Release: A Path for Supporting Biomineralization,"
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11 (2019) 32739-32745.
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289) Gang Wu, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Victor V. Terskikh, Xianqi Kong "A Solid-State 17O NMR Study of Carboxylic Acid Dimers: Simultaneously Accessing Spectral Properties of Low- and High-Energy Tautomers," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123 (2019) 8243-8253. (Cover Article) |
288) Shoushun Chen, Soumya Mukherjee, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Ying Guo, Ying Tung, Angel Wong, Victor V. Terskikh, Michael J. Zaworotko, Yining Huang "Cleaving Carboxyls: Understanding Thermally Triggered Hierarchical Pores in the Metal-Organic Framework MIL-121," Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (2019) 14257-14271.
Bligh E. Desveaux, Y.T. Angel Wong, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Victor V. Terskikh,
Paul D. Boyle, Shan Jiang, Yining Huang "CO2 Behavior in a Highly
Selective Ultramicroporous Framework: Insights from Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction
and Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," Journal
of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 17798-17807.
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286) Gang Wu"17O NMR studies of organic and biological molecules in aqueous solution and in the solid state," Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 114-115 (2019) 135-191. (Invited Review) |
285) David L. Bryce "New Frontiers for Solid-State NMR Across the Periodic Table: A Snapshot of Modern Techniques and Instrumentation," Dalton Transactions 48 (2019) 8014-8020.
284) Abhoy Karmakar, Mya S. Dodd, Xiaoyue Zhang, Meagan Oakley, Mariusz Klobukowski and Vladimir K. Michaelis "Mechanochemical Synthesis of 0D and 3D Cesium Lead Mixed Halide Perovskites," Chemical Communications 55 (2019) 5079-5082.
283) Peng He, Jack S. Jarvis, Shijun Meng, Qingyin Li, Guy M. Bernard, Lijia Liu, Xiaohui Mao, Zhao Jiang, Hongbo Zeng, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Hua Song "Co-aromatization of methane with propane over Zn/HZSM-5: The methane reaction pathway and the effect of Zn distribution," Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 250 (2019) 99-111.
282) Bowei Wu, Y.T. Angel Wong, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Paul D. Boyle, and Yining Huang "Exploring HostGuest Interactions in the a-Zn3(HCOO)6 Metal-Organic Framework," ACS Omega 4 (2019) 40004011.
281) T. Skopak, S. Kroeker, K. Levin, M. Dussauze, R. Méreau, Y. Ledemi, T. Cardinal, E. Fargin, Y. Messaddeq "Structure and Properties of Gallium-Rich Sodium Germano-Gallate Glasses," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 13701378.
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280) Jiahui Shen, Victor Terskikh, Gang Wu "A Quadrupole-Central-Transition 59Co NMR Study of Cobalamins in Solution," ChemPhysChem 20 (2019) 268-275. (Cover Feature) |
279) Christopher Keturakis, Olga B. Lapina, Alexandr A. Shubin, Victor V. Terskikh, Evgeniy S. Papulovskiy, Ivan V. Yudaev, Eugine A. Paukshtis, Israel E. Wachs "Pyrolysis of the cellulose fraction of biomass in presence of solid acid catalysts: An operando spectroscopy and theoretical investigation," ChemSusChem 11 (2019) 4044-4059.
278) Leo Diehl, Sebastian Bette, Florian Pielnhofer, Sophia Betzler, Igor Moudrakovski, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Robert Dinnebier, and Bettina V. Lotsch "Structure-directing lone pairs: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of SnTiO3," Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018) 89328938.
277) Abhoy Karmakar, Mya S. Dodd, Satyam Agnihotri, Enrico Ravera, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Cu(II)-Doped Cs2SbAgCl6 Double Perovskite: A Lead-Free, Low-Bandgap Material," Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018) 82808290.
276) Tony Jin, Guy M. Bernard, Mark Miskolzie, Victor V. Terskikh, Vladimir K. Michaelis "A 11B and 31P MAS NMR study of the impact of Ca2+ and Sr2+ network modifying cations on the structure of borate and borophosphate glasses," Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B 59 (2018) 174-180.
275) Shoushun Chen, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Wilson Luo, Xinkai Xie, Kun Feng, Hendrick Chan, Victor V. Terskikh, Xuhui Sun, Tsun-Kong Sham, Mark Steven Workentin, and Yining Huang "Loading Across the Periodic Table: Introducing Fourteen Different Metal Ions to Enhance MOF Performance," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018) 3029630305.
274) Maria Matlinska, Roderick E. Wasylishen, Guy M. Bernard, Victor V. Terskikh, Andreas Brinkmann, and Vladimir K. Michaelis "Capturing Elusive Polymorphs of Curcumin: A Structural Characterization and Computational Study," Crystal Growth & Design 18 (2018) 55565563.
273) Yue Zhang, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Sarah M. McKenzie, Mihails Arhangelskis, Andrew J. Morris, Tomislav Friscic, Joel Reid, Victor V. Terskikh, Mansheng Chen, and Yining Huang "Welcoming Gallium- and Indium-fumarate MOFs to the Family: Synthesis, Comprehensive Characterization, Observation of Porous Hydrophobicity, and CO2 Dynamics," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018) 2858228596.
272) Vladimir K. Michaelis, Kirill Levin, Yaroslav Germanov, Gérald Lelong, and Scott Kroeker "Ultrahigh-Resolution 7Li MAS NMR Spectroscopy by Isotopic Dilution," Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018) 55215526.
271) Alessandro Senocrate, Igor Moudrakovski and Joachim Maier "Short-range ion dynamics in methylammonium lead iodide by multinuclear solid state NMR and 127I NQR," Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 20043-20055.
270) Morteza Javadi, Vladimir K. Michaelis, and Jonathan G.C. Veinot "Thermally-Induced Evolution of Ge(OH)2: Controlling the Formation of Oxide-Embedded Ge Nanocrystals," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018) 1751817525.
269) Patrick M.J. Szell, Gabriella Cavallo, Giancarlo Terraneo, Pierangelo Metrangolo, Bulat Gabidullin, David L. Bryce "Comparing the Halogen Bond to the Hydrogen Bond by Solid-State NMR: Anion Coordinated Dimers from 2- & 3-Iodoethynylpyridine Salts," Chemistry - A European Journal 24 (2018) 11364-11376.
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268) Shoushun Chen, Bryan Lucier, Mansheng Chen, Victor Terskikh, Yining Huang "Probing Calcium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks via Natural Abundance 43Ca Solid-State NMR," Chemistry - A European Journal 24 (2018) 8732-8736. (Cover Article) |
267) Austin A. Peach, David A. Hirsh, Sean T. Holmes, Robert W. Schurko "Mechanochemical syntheses and 35Cl solid-state NMR characterization of fluoxetine HCl cocrystals," CrystEngComm 20 (2018) 2780-2792.
266) Abdelrahman M. Askar, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy M. Bernard, Michelle Ha, Victor V. Terskikh, Benjamin D. Wiltshire, Sahil Patel, Jonathan Fleet, Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Composition-Tunable Formamidinium Lead Mixed Halide Perovskites via Solvent-Free Mechanochemical Synthesis: Decoding the Pb Environments Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (2018) 26712677.
265) Patrick M.J. Szell, David L. Bryce "Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance as complementary tools to study quadrupolar nuclei in solids," Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A 45 (2018) e21412.
264) Jiahui Shen, Victor V. Terskikh, Xiaoling Wang, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Gang Wu "A Quadrupole-Central-Transition 17O NMR Study of Nicotinamide: Experimental Evidence of Cross Correlation Between Second-Order Quadrupolar Interaction and Magnetic Shielding Anisotropy," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122 (2018) 48134820.
263) Abhoy Karmakar, Abdelrahman M. Askar, Guy M. Bernard, Victor V. Terskikh, Michelle Ha, Sahil Patel, Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Mechanochemical Synthesis of Methylammonium Lead MixedHalide Perovskites: Unraveling the Solid-Solution Behavior using Solid-State NMR," Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018) 23092321.
262) Andre Sutrisno, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Lu Zhang, Lihong Ding, Yueying Chu, Anmin Zheng, Yining Huang "Inspecting the Structure and Formation of the Molecular Sieve SAPO-34 via 17O Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018) 72607277.
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261) Jennifer D. Lewis, Michelle Ha, Helen Luo, Alexandra Faucher, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Yuriy Roman-Leshkov "Distinguishing Active Site Identity in Sn-Beta Zeolites using 31P MAS NMR of Adsorbed Trimethylphosphine Oxide," ACS Catalysis 8 (2018) 30763086. (Cover Article) |
260) C. Leroy, J.K. Schuster, T. Schaefer, K. Müller-Buschbaum, H. Braunschweig, D.L. Bryce "Linear dicoordinate beryllium: a 9Be solid-state NMR study of a discrete zero-valent s-block beryllium complex," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 96 (2018) 646-652.
259) Guy M. Bernard, Roderick E. Wasylishen, Christopher I. Ratcliffe, Victor V. Terskikh, Qichao Wu, Jillian M. Buriak, Tate C. Hauger "Methylammonium Cation Dynamics in Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskites - A Solid-State NMR Perspective," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (2018) 15601573.
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258) Bryan E.G. Lucier, Shoushun Chen, Yining Huang "Characterization of MetalOrganic Frameworks: Unlocking the Potential of Solid-State NMR," Accounts of Chemical Research 51 (2018) 319330. (Cover Article) |
257) Bryan E.G. Lucier, Yue Zhang, Yining Huang "Complete multinuclear solid-state NMR of metal-organic frameworks: The case of a-Mg-formate," Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A 45 (2018) e21410.
256) Kevin M.N. Burgess, Cory M. Widdifield, Yang Xu, César Leroy, David L. Bryce "Structural insights from 59Co solid-state NMR experiments on organocobalt(I) catalysts," ChemPhysChem 19 (2018) 227-236.
255) Christian Ziegler, Teresa Dennenwaldt, Daniel Weber, Viola Duppel, Claudia Kamella, Filip Podjaski, Brian Tuffy, Igor Moudrakovski, Christina Scheu, Bettina V. Lotsch "Functional Engineering of Perovskite Nanosheets: Impact of Lead Substitution on Exfoliation in the Solid Solution RbCa2xPbxNb3O10," Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 643 (2017) 16681680.
254) Jonathan Fafard, Victor Terskikh and Christian Detellier "Solid-state 1H and 27Al NMR Studies of DMSO-kaolinite Intercalates," Clays and Clay Minerals 65 (2017) 206-219. (open access)
253) Guy M. Bernard, Atul Goyal, Mark Miskolzie, Ryan McKay, Qichao Wu, Roderick E. Wasylishen, Vladimir K. Michaelis "Methylammonium Lead Chloride: A Sensitive Sample for an Accurate NMR Thermometer," Journal of Magnetic Resonance 283 (2017) 14-21.
252) Peter Werhun and David L. Bryce, "Structural and Crystallographic Information from 61Ni Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: Diamagnetic Nickel Compounds," Inorganic Chemistry 56 (2017) 999610006.
251) Yin Gao, Yizhe Dai, and Gang Wu "Solid-State 15N and 17O NMR Studies of S-Nitrosothiols," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (2017) 73117317.
250) Kim Potvin-Fournier, Geneviève Valois-Paillard, Thierry Lefèvre, Line Cantin, Christian Salesse, Michèle Auger "Membrane fluidity is a driving force for recoverin myristoyl immobilization in zwitterionic lipids," Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 490 (2017) 12681273.
249) Bing Zhou, Alexandra Faucher, Robert Laskowski, Victor V. Terskikh, Scott Kroeker, Wei Sun, Jinru Lin, Jin-Xiao Mi, Vladimir K. Michaelis, and Yuanming Pan "Ultrahigh-Field 25Mg NMR and DFT Study of Magnesium Borate Minerals," ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 1 (2017) 299309.
Gennady Ananchenko, Jasmina Novakovic
"Chapter Seven Tolterodine Tartrate," Profiles
of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology
42 (2017)
247) Alessandro Senocrate, Igor Moudrakovski, Gee Yeong Kim, Tae-Youl Yang, Giuliano Gregori, Michael Grätzel, Joachim Maier "The Nature of Ion Conduction in Methylammonium Lead Iodide: A Multimethod Approach," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (2017) 77557759.
246) Ambar Deshkar, José Marcial, Scott A. Southern, Libor Kobera, David L. Bryce, John S. McCloy, Ashutosh Goel "Understanding the structural origin of crystalline phase transformations in nepheline (NaAlSiO4)-based glass-ceramics," Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (2017) 28592878. A.S. Andreev, N.V. Bulina, M.V. Chaikina, I.Yu. Prosanov, V.V. Terskikh, O.B. Lapina "Solid-state NMR and computational insights into the crystal structure of silicocarnotite-based bioceramic materials synthesized mechanochemically" Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 84 (2017) 151-157.
244) Jiasheng Lu, Ivan Hung, Andreas Brinkmann, Zhehong Gan, Xianqi Kong, Gang Wu "Solid-state 17O NMR reveals hydrogen bonding energetics: Not all low-barrier hydrogen bonds are particularly strong," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (2017) 61666170.
243) Yue Zhang, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Victor V. Terskikh, Renlong Zheng, Yining Huang "Tracking the Evolution and Differences Between Guest-Induced Phases of Ga-MIL-53 via Ultra-Wideline 69/71Ga Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy" Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 84 (2017) 118-131.
242) Xianqi Kong, Yizhe Dai, Gang Wu "Solid-State 17O NMR Study of 2-Acylbenzoic Acids and Warfarin," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 84 (2017) 59-64.
241) Libor Kobera, Scott A. Southern, Jamie M. Frost, David L. Bryce "Multinuclear Solid-State Magnetic Resonance Study of Oxo-Bridged Diniobium and Quadruply-Bonded Dimolybdenum Carboxylate Clusters," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 84 (2017) 20-27.
240) Xianqi Kong, Andreas Brinkmann, Victor Terskikh, Roderick E. Wasylishen, Guy M. Bernard, Zhuang Duan, Qichao Wu, Gang Wu "Proton Probability Distribution in the O···H···O Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bond: A Combined Solid-State NMR and Quantum Chemical Computational Study of Dibenzoylmethane and Curcumin," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (2016) 1169211704.
239) Aaron Tang, Xianqi Kong, Victor Terskikh, Gang Wu, "Solid-State 17O NMR of Unstable Acyl-Enzyme Intermediates: A Direct Probe of Hydrogen Bonding Interactions in the Oxyanion Hole of Serine Proteasess," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (2016) 1114211150.
238) Thomas Bräuniger, Burkhard Groh, Igor L. Moudrakovski, and Sylvio Indris "Local Electronic Structure in gamma-LiAlO2 Studied by Single-Crystal 27Al NMR and DFT Calculations," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (2016) 78397846.
237) Aleksandr A. Shubin, Victor V. Terskikh, Evgeniy Papulovskiy, Olga B. Lapina "Random Distribution of EFG Parameters in 27Al MAS NMR Spectra of AlOx/SiO2 Catalysts and Related Systems," Applied Magnetic Resonance 47 (2016) 11931205.
236) Stanislav L. Veinberg, Zachary W. Friedl, Austin W. Lindquist, Brianna Kispal, Kristopher J. Harris, Luke A ODell, and Robert W. Schurko "14N Solid-State NMR of Amino Acids," ChemPhysChem 17 (2016) 40114027.
235) Jiahui Shen, Victor Terskikh, and Gang Wu, "Observation of the Second-Order Quadrupolar Interaction as a Dominating NMR Relaxation Mechanism in Liquids: The Ultraslow Regime of Motion," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 120 (2016) 34123418.
234) Nicole E. De Almeida, Kristopher J. Harris, Ago Samoson, and Gillian R. Goward, "1H1H Double Quantum NMR Investigation of Proton Dynamics in Solid Acids," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 1996119969.
233) Alexander Kuhn, Leslie M. Schoop, Roland Eger, Igor Moudrakovski, Stefan Schwarzmüller, Viola Duppel, Reinhard K. Kremer, Oliver Oeckler, and Bettina V. Lotsch, "Copper Selenidophosphates Cu4P2Se6, Cu4P3Se4, Cu4P4Se3, and CuP2Se, Featuring Zero-, One-, and Two-Dimensional Anions," Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 80318040.
232) Lacey M. Reid, Gang Wu and Cathleen M. Crudden, "Accessible bidentate diol functionality within highly ordered composite periodic mesoporous organosilicas," New Journal of Chemistry 40 (2016) 6487-6497.
231) Eric G. Keeler, Vladimir K. Michaelis, and Robert G. Griffin, "17O NMR Investigation of Water Structure and Dynamics" Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (2016) 78517858.
230) Andrew M. Namespetra, David A. Hirsh, Marcel P. Hildebrand, Anthony R. Sandre, Hiyam Hamaed, Jeremy M. Rawson, Robert W. Schurko, "35Cl Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of HCl Pharmaceuticals and their Polymorphs in Bulk and Dosage Forms," CrystEngComm 18 (2016) 6213-6232.
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229) Libor Kobera, Scott A. Southern, Gyandshwar Kumar Rao, Darrin S. Richeson and David L. Bryce, "New Experimental Insight into the Nature of Metal-Metal Bonds in Digallium Compounds: J Coupling between Quadrupolar Nuclei," Chemistry - A European Journal 22 (2016) 95659573. (Frontispiece Article) |
228) Stanislav L. Veinberg, Karen E. Johnston, Michael J. Jaroszewicz, Brianna M. Kispal, Christopher R. Mireault, Takeshi Kobayashi, Marek Pruski and Robert W. Schurko, "Natural Abundance 14N and 15N Solid-State NMR of Pharmaceuticals and their Polymorphs," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 17713-17730.
227) Hicham Fenniri, Grigory A. Tikhomirov, Darren H. Brouwer, Souhaila Bouatra, Mounir El Bakkari, Zhimin Yan, Jae-Young Cho, and Takeshi Yamazaki, "High Field Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Investigation of 15N-Labeled Rosette Nanotubes: Hydrogen Bond Network and Channel-Bound Water," Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (2016) 61156118.
226) Patrick M.J. Szell and David L. Bryce, "35Cl Solid-State NMR and Computational Study of Chlorine Halogen Bond Donors in Single-Component Crystalline Chloronitriles," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 1112111130.
225) Bing Zhou, Wei Sun, Biao-Chun Zhao, Jin-Xiao Mi, Robert Laskowski, Victor Terskikh, Xi Zhang, Lingyun Yang, Sanda M. Botis, Barbara L. Sherriff, and Yuanming Pan, "11B MAS NMR and First-Principles Study of the [OBO3] Pyramids in Borates," Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 1970-1977.
224) Victor V. Terskikh, Shane Pawsey, John A. Ripmeester, "High-field solid-state 35Cl NMR in selenium(IV) and tellurium(IV) hexachlorides," Journal of Structural Chemistry 57 (2016) 308-318.
223) Sherif Nour, Cory M. Widdifield, Libor Kobera, Kevin M.N. Burgess, Dylan Errulat, Victor V. Terskikh, and David L. Bryce, "Oxygen-17 NMR Spectroscopy of Water Molecules in Solid Hydrates," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 94 (2016) 189-197.
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Julia Langer, Danielle L. Smiley, Alex D. Bain, Gillian R. Goward,
and Martin Wilkening, "An Unexpected Pathway - 6Li Exchange
NMR Points to Vacancy Driven Out-of-Plane Li Ion Hopping in Crystalline
Li2SnO3," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016)
3130-3138. (Cover
Article) |
221) Thomas Bräuniger, Andreas J. Hofmann, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Constantin Hoch, Wolfgang Schnick, "A 45Sc-NMR and DFT calculation study of crystalline scandium compounds," Solid State Sciences 51 (2016) 1-7.
220) Amanda E. Alain, Yoshiaki Shoji, Takanori Fukushima, and David L. Bryce, "11B Solid-State NMR Interaction Tensors of Linear Two-Coordinate Boron: The Dimesitylborinium Cation," Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 11889–11896.
219) Alexandra Faucher, Victor Terskikh, Eric Ye, Guy M. Bernard, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Solid-State 87Sr NMR Spectroscopy at Natural Abundance and High Magnetic Field Strength," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (2015) 11847-11861.
218) Yijue Xu, Jasmine Viger-Gravel, Ilia Korobkov, and David L. Bryce, "Mechanochemical Production of Halogen-Bonded Solids Featuring P=O···I-C Motifs and Characterization via X-ray Diffraction, Solid-State Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Density Functional Theory," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (2015) 27104-27117.
217) Nasima Kanwal, Harold Toms, Alex C. Hannon, Frederic A. Perras, David Bryce, Natalia Karpukhina and Isaac Abrahams, "Structure and solubility behaviour of zinc containing phosphate glasses," Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (2015) 8842-8855.
216) Blake Hammann, Zayd L. Ma, Katherine M. Wentz, Maisha K. Kamunde-Devonish, Darren Johnson and Sophia E. Hayes, "Structural study by solid-state 71Ga NMR of thin film transistor precursors," Dalton Transactions 44 (2015) 17652-17659.
215) Carl K. Brozek, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Ta-Chung Ong, Luca Bellarosa, Núria López, Robert G. Griffin, and Mircea Dincă, "Dynamic DMF Binding in MOF-5 Enables the Formation of Metastable Cobalt-Substituted MOF-5 Analogues," ACS Central Science 1 (2015) 252-260.
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214) Jun Xu, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Regina Sinelnikov, Victor V. Terskikh, Viktor N. Staroverov, Yining Huang, "Monitoring and Understanding the Paraelectric-Ferroelectric Phase Transition in the Metal–Organic Framework [NH4][M(HCOO)3] by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Chemistry - A European Journal 21 (2015) 14348-14361. (Frontispiece Article) |
213) Damir A. Safin, Patrick M.J. Szell, Antonin Keller, Ilia Korobkov, David L. Bryce and Muralee Murugesu, "Interaction of 2,4,6-tris(2-pyrimidyl)-1,3,5-triazine (TPymT) with CoX2 (X = Cl, Br) in water: Trapping of new self-assembled waterchloride/bromide clusters in a [Co(bpca)2] + host (bpca = bis(2- pyrimidylcarbonyl)amidate anion)," New Journal of Chemistry 39 (2015) 7147-7152.
212) Jiasheng Lu, Xianqi Kong, Victor Terskikh and Gang Wu, "Solid-State 17O NMR of Oxygen-Nitrogen Singly Bonded Compounds: Hydroxylammonium Chloride and Sodium Trioxodinitrate (Angeli’s Salt)," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (2015) 8133-8138.
211) Huaguang Yu, Xiuzhen Tan, Guy M. Bernard, Victor Terskikh, Jing-Lin Chen and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Solid-State 63Cu, 65Cu and 31P NMR Spectroscopy of Photoluminescent Copper(I) Triazole Phosphine Complexes," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (2015) 8279-8293.
210) Alexandra Faucher, Victor Terskikh and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Spin-Spin Coupling Between Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids: 11B-75As Spin Pairs in Lewis Acid-Base Adducts," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (2015) 6949-6960.
209) Hans Jørgen Jakobsen, Henrik Bildsøe, Michael Brorson, Gang Wu, Peter L. Gor'kov, Zhehong Gan and Ivan Hung, "High-Field 17O MAS NMR Reveals 1J(17O-127I) With its Sign and the NMR Crystallography of the Scheelite Structures for NaIO4 and KIO4," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 14434-14442.
208) Vladimir K. Michaelis, Eric G. Keeler, Ta-Chung Ong, Kimberley N. Craigen, Susanne A. Penzel, John E.C. Wren, Scott Kroeker, and Robert G. Griffin, "Structural Insights into Bound Water in Crystalline Amino Acids: Experimental and Theoretical 17O NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (2015) 8024-8036.
207) Kelong Zhu, Christopher A. O'Keefe, V. Nicholas Vukotic, Robert W. Schurko and Stephen J. Loeb, "A molecular shuttle that operates inside a metal–organic framework," Nature Chemistry 7 (2015)
Nature Chemistry highlight "Metal–organic frameworks: Shuttling in the solid state" 7 (2015)
Chemical & Engineering News highlight "Molecular Shuttles Get Organized" Volume 93 (2015), Issue 19, page 27.
ACCN the Canadian Chemical News highlight "Persuading molecules to behave in a responsible manner" September/October 2015, page 16.
206) Evgeniy Papulovskiy, Dzhalil F. Khabibulin, Victor Terskikh, Eugenii A. Paukshtis, Valentina M. Bondareva, Aleksandr A. Shubin, Andrey S. Andreev, and Olga B. Lapina, "Effect of Impregnation on the Structure of Niobium Oxide/Alumina Catalysts Studied by Multinuclear Solid-State NMR, FTIR and Quantum Chemical Calculations," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 10400–10411.
205) Igor L. Moudrakovski, Christopher I. Ratcliffe, John A. Ripmeester, "Introducing new half-integer quadrupolar nuclei for solid state NMR of inclusion compounds," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93 (2015) 1014-1024.
204) Lu Zhang and Yining Huang, "An investigation into the crystallization of low-silica X zeolite," Journal of Porous Materials 22 (2015) 843-850.
203) Roberta L. Flemming, Victor Terskikh and Eric Ye, "Aluminum environments in synthetic Ca-Tschermak clinopyroxene (CaAlAlSiO6) from Rietveld refinement, 27Al NMR and first-principles calculations," American Mineralogist 100 (2015) 2219–2230.
202) Jun Xu, Victor Terskikh, Yueying Chu, Anmin Zheng, and Yining Huang, "Mapping out Chemically Similar, Crystallographically Non-equivalent Hydrogen Sites in Metal–Organic Frameworks by 1H Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy," Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 3306–3316.
201) Daniel Rettenwander, Julia Langer, Walter Schmidt, Christian Arrer, Kristopher J. Harris, Victor Terskikh, Gillian R. Goward, Martin Wilkening, and Georg Amthauer, "On the Site Occupation of Ga and Al in Stabilized Cubic Li7-3(x+y)GaxAlyLa3Zr2O12 Garnets as Deduced from 27Al and 71Ga MAS NMR at Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields," Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 3135–3142.
200) Carl P. Romao, Frédéric A. Perras, Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger, Joey A. Lussier, Kimberly J. Miller, Courtney M. Calahoo, Josef W. Zwanziger, Mario Bieringer, Bojan A. Marinkovic, David L. Bryce, and Mary A. White, "Zero Thermal Expansion in ZrMgMo3O12: NMR Crystallography Reveals Origins of Thermoelastic Properties," Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 2633–2646.
199) Cory M. Widdifield, Frederic A. Perras, and David L. Bryce, "Solid-State 185/187Re NMR and GIPAW DFT Study of Perrhenates and Re2(CO)10: chemical shift anisotropy, NMR crystallography, and a metal-metal bond," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 10118-10134.
198) Xianqi Kong, Victor Terskikh, Abouzar Toubaei and Gang Wu, "A Solid-State 17O NMR Study of Platinum-Carboxylate Complexes: Carboplatin and Oxaliplatin," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93 (2015) 945-953.
197) Alexandra Faucher, Victor V. Terskikh, Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Assessing Distortion of the AF6 (A = As, Sb) Octahedra in Solid Hexafluorometallates(V) via NMR Spectroscopy," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93 (2015) 938-944.
196) Xianqi Kong, Victor V. Terskikh, Rahul L. Khade, Liu Yang, Amber Rorick, Yong Zhang, Peng He, Yining Huang and Gang Wu, "Solid-State 17O NMR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Coordination Compounds," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (2015) 4753–4757.
195) Kevin M.N. Burgess, Frédéric A. Perras, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Yijue Xu, David L. Bryce, "High Sensitivity and Resolution in 43Ca Solid-State NMR Experiments," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93 (2015) 799-807.
194) M. Kubus, K. Levin, S. Kroeker, D. Enseling, T. Jüstelc and H.-J. Meyer, "Structural and luminescence studies of the new nitridomagnesoaluminate CaMg2AlN3," Dalton Transactions 44 (2015) 2819-2826.
193) Xianqi Kong, Aaron Tang, Ruiyao Wang, Eric Ye, Victor V. Terskikh, Gang Wu, "Are the Amide Bonds in N-Acyl Imidazoles Twisted? A Combined Solid-State 17O NMR, Crystallographic, and Computational Study," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93 (2015) 451-458.
192) Kevin M.N. Burgess and David L. Bryce, "On the Crystal Structure of the Vaterite Polymorph of CaCO3. A Calcium-43 Solid-State NMR and Computational Assessment," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 65 (2015) 75–83.
191) Frédéric A. Perras and David L. Bryce, "Direct Characterization of Metal-Metal Bonds Between Nuclei with Strong Quadrupolar Interactions via NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (2014) 4049–4054.
190) Jun Xu, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Zhi Lin, Andre Sutrisno, Victor V. Terskikh, and Yining Huang, "New Insights Into the Short-Range Structures of Layered and Microporous Titanosilicates as Revealed by 47/49Ti, 23Na, 39K, and 29Si Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (2014) 27353–27365.
189) Timothy R. Field and Alex D. Bain, "Singularities in the lineshape of a second-order perturbed quadrupolar nucleus. The Magic-Angle Spinning Case," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 63–64 (2014) 42–47.
188) Wei David Wang, Bryan E. G. Lucier, Victor V. Terskikh, Wei Wang, and Yining Huang, "Wobbling and Hopping: Studying Dynamics of CO2 Adsorbed in Metal–Organic Frameworks via 17O Solid-State NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (2014)
ACS LiveSlides:
187) Christopher A. O’Keefe, Karen E. Johnston, Kiplangat Sutter, Jochen Autschbach, Régis Gauvin, Julien Trébosc, Laurent Delevoye, Nicolas Popoff, Mostafa Taoufik, Konstantin Oudatchin, and Robert W. Schurko, "An Investigation of Chlorine Ligands in Transition-Metal Complexes via 35Cl Solid-State NMR and Density Functional Theory Calculations," Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 9581–9597.
186) Zayd L. Ma, Katherine M. Wentz, Blake A. Hammann, I-Ya Chang, Maisha K. Kamunde-Devonish, Paul H.-Y. Cheong, Darren W. Johnson, Victor V. Terskikh, and Sophia E. Hayes, "Solid State 69Ga and 71Ga NMR study of the nanoscale inorganic cluster [Ga13(μ3-OH)6(μ2-OH)18(H2O)24](NO3)15," Chemistry of Materials 26 (2014) 4978–4983.
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185) Peng He, Bryan Lucier, Victor Terskikh, Qi Shi, Jinxiang Dong, Yueying Chu, Anmin Zheng, Andre Sutrisno, Yining Huang, "Spies Within Metal Organic Frameworks: Investigating Metal Centers Using Solid-State NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (2014) 23728-23744. (Cover Article) |
184) Patricia Hee, Randi Christensen, Yannick Ledemi, John C. Wren, Marc Dussauze, Thierry Cardinal, Evelyne Fargin, Scott Kroeker and Younès Messaddeq, "Properties and structural investigation of gallophosphate glasses by 71Ga and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance and vibrational spectroscopies," Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (2014) 7906-7917.
183) Alexandra Faucher, Victor V. Terskikh, Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Feasibility of Arsenic and Antimony NMR Spectroscopy in Solids: An Investigation of Some Group 15 Compounds," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 61-62 (2014) 54–61.
182) Margaret A. Hanson, Victor V. Terskikh, Kim M. Baines, Yining Huang, "Chlorine-35 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy as an Indirect Probe of Germanium Oxidation State and Coordination Environment in Germanium Chlorides," Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 7377–7388.
181) Timothy R. Field and Alex D. Bain, "Singularities in the Lineshape of a Second-Order Perturbed Quadrupolar Nucleus and their Use in Data Fitting," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 61-62 (2014) 39–48.
180) Lun Ma, Wei Chen, Gabriele Schatte, Wei Wang, Alan G. Joly, Yining Huang, Ramaswami Sammynaiken and Marius Hossu, "A new Cu-Cysteamine Complex: Structure and Optical Properties," Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (2014) 4239-4246.
179) Cory M. Widdifield, Igor Moudrakovski, and David L. Bryce, "Calcium-43 Chemical Shift and Electric Field Gradient Tensor Interplay: A Sensitive Probe of Structure, Polymorphism, and Hydration," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 13340-13359.
178) Jasmine Viger-Gravel, Sophie Leclerc, Ilia Korobkov, and David L. Bryce, "Direct Investigation of Halogen Bonds by Solid-State Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Molecular Orbital Analysis," Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014) 6929–6942.
177) Jasmine Viger-Gravel, Julia E. Meyer, Ilia Korobkov and David L. Bryce, "Probing Halogen Bonds with Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Observation and Interpretation of J(77Se, 31P) Coupling in Halogen-Bonded P=Se···I Motifs," CrystEngComm 16 (2014) 7285-7297. (IYCr 2014 North America themed issue)
176) Andreas Brinkmann and Mattias Eden, "Central-Transition Double-Quantum Sideband NMR Spectroscopy of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei: Estimating Internuclear Distances and Probing Clusters within Multi-Spin Networks," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 7037-7050.
175) Frédéric A. Perras, David L. Bryce, "Theoretical Study of Homonuclear J Coupling Between Quadrupolar Spins: Single-Crystal, DOR, and J-Resolved NMR," Journal of Magnetic Resonance 242 (2014) 23–32.
174) David Bardelang, Andreas Brinkmann, Chris I. Ratcliffe, John A. Ripmeester, Victor Terskikh and Konstantin Udachin, "High Field Solid State 13C NMR Spectroscopy of Cucurbituril Materials," CrystEngComm 16 (2014) 3788-3795.
173) Piotr Garbacz, Victor V. Terskikh, Michael J. Ferguson, Guy M. Bernard, Mariusz Kędziorek, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Experimental Characterization of the Hydride 1H Shielding Tensors for HIrX2(PR3)2 and HRhCl2(PR3)2: Extremely Shielded Hydride Protons with Unusually Large Magnetic Shielding Anisotropies," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (2014) 1203–1212.
172) Kevin M.N. Burgess, Yang Xu, Matthew C. Leclerc, and David L. Bryce, "Alkaline-Earth Metal Carboxylates Characterized by 43Ca and 87Sr Solid-State NMR: Impact of Metal-Amine Bonding," Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 552–561.
171) Bryan E.G. Lucier, Karen E. Johnston, Wenqian Xu, Jonathan C. Hanson, Sanjaya D. Senanayake, Siyu Yao, Megan W Bourassa, Monika Srebro, Jochen Autschbach, and Robert W. Schurko, "Unravelling the Structure of Magnus' Pink Salt," Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014) 1333–1351.
170) Hiyam Hamaed, Karen E. Johnston, Benjamin F.T. Cooper, Victor V. Terskikh, Eric Ye, Charles L.B. Macdonald, Donna C. Arnold, and Robert W. Schurko, "A 115In Solid-State NMR Study of Low Oxidation-State Indium Complexes," Chemical Science 5 (2014) 982-995. (Edge Article)
169) Andre Sutrisno and Yining Huang, "Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and Quantum Chemical Investigations of Layered Transition Metal Disulfides," Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance 30 (2013) 461-487.
168) Michal Leskes, Amy J. Moore, Gillian R. Goward and Clare P. Grey, "Monitoring the electrochemical processes in the lithium-air battery by Solid state NMR spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 26929–26939.
167) Alexandre Arnold, Victor Terskikh, Qian Ying Li, Rafik Naccache, Isabelle Marcotte, John Capobianco, "Structure of NaYF4 Upconverting Nanoparticles: A Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and DFT Computational Study," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 25733–25741.
166) Vladimir K. Michaelis, Bjoern Corzilius, Albert A. Smith, and Robert G. Griffin, "Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of 17O: Direct Polarization," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (2013) 14894–14906.
165) Markus Kalmutzki, Markus Ströbele, Scott Kroeker, John E.C. Wren, H. Jürgen Meyer, "Synthesis and Characterization of the First Tetracyanamidogallate," European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 36 (2013) 6091–6096.
164) Markus Kalmutzki, David Enseling, John E.C. Wren, Scott Kroeker, Victor V. Terskikh, Thomas Jüstel, and H.-Jürgen Meyer, "Solid State Complex Chemistry: Formation, Structure, and Properties of Homoleptic Tetracyanamidogermanates RbRE[Ge(CN2)4] (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Gd)," Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 12372–12382.
163) Simon John Hibble, Ann Mary Chippindale, Elena Marelli, Scott Kroeker, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Brandon J. Greer, Pedro M. Aguiar, Edward John Bilbe, Emma R. Barney, and Alex C. Hannon, "Local and average structure in zinc cyanide: towards an understanding of the atomistic origin of negative thermal expansion," Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 16478–16489.
162) Peter J. Pallister, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Gary D. Enright and John A. Ripmeester, "Structural assessment of anhydrous sulfates with high field 33S solid state NMR and first principles calculations," CrystEngComm 15 (2013) 8808-8822. (CrystEngComm HOT article for October 2013)
161) Karen E. Johnston, Christopher A. O'Keefe, Régis M. Gauvin, Julien Trébosc, Laurent Delevoye, Jean-Paul Amoureux, Nicolas Popoff, Mostafa Taoufik, Konstantin Oudatchin, and Robert W. Schurko, "A Study of Transition-Metal Organometallic Complexes Combining 35Cl Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and 35Cl NQR Spectroscopy and First-Principles DFT Calculations," Chemistry - A European Journal 19 (2013) 12396–12414. (highlighted by ChemistryViews)
160) Bing Zhou, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Scott Kroeker, John E.C. Wren, Yefeng Yao, Barbara L. Sherriff, and Yuanming Pan, "11B and 23Na Solid-State NMR and Density Functional Theory Studies of Electric Field Gradients at Boron Sites in Ulexite," CrystEngComm 15 (2013) 8739-8747.
159) Xianqi Kong, Melissa Shan, Victor V. Terskikh, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, and Gang Wu, "Solid-State 17O NMR of Pharmaceutical Compounds: Salicylic Acid and Aspirin," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (2013) 9643–9654.
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158) Luke O'Dell, Rongliang He and Jessica Pandohee, "Identifying H-N proximities in solid-state NMR using 14N overtone irradiation under fast MAS," CrystEngComm 15 (2013) 8657-8667. (Cover Article) |
157) Kevin M.N. Burgess, Yang Xu, Matthew C. Leclerc, and David L. Bryce, "Insight into Magnesium Coordination Environments in Benzoate and Salicylate Complexes through 25Mg Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (2013) 6561–6570.
156) A. Ken Inge, Henrik Fahlquist, Tom Willhammar, Yining Huang, Lynne B. McCusker and Xiaodong Zou, "Solving complex open-framework structures from X-ray powder diffraction by direct-space methods using composite building units," Journal of Applied Crystallography 46 (2013) 1094-1104.
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155) Peng He, Jun Xu, Victor V. Terskikh, Andre Sutrisno, Heng-Yong Nie, and Yining Huang, "Identification of Non-equivalent Framework Oxygen Species in Metal-organic Frameworks by 17O Solid-state NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 16953–16960. (Cover Article) |
154) Cory M. Widdifield, Gabriella Cavallo, Glenn A. Facey, Tullio Pilati, Jingxiang Lin, Pierangelo Metrangolo, Giuseppe Resnati and David L. Bryce, "Multinuclear Solid-State Magnetic Resonance as a Sensitive Probe of Structural Changes upon the Occurrence of Halogen Bonding in Co-Crystals," Chemistry - A European Journal 19 (2013) 11949–11962.
153) Margaret A. Hanson, Andreas Schnepf, Victor V. Terskikh, Yining Huang, Kim M. Baines, "Characterization of Germanium Monohalides by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and First Principles Quantum Chemical Calculations," Australian Journal of Chemistry 66 (2013) 1202-1210.
152) T. Leigh Spencer, Luke A. O'Dell, Igor L. Moudrakovski, and Gillian R. Goward, "Dynamics of Ag+ Ions in RbAg4I5 Probed Indirectly Via 87Rb Solid-State NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 9558–9565.
151) Frederic A. Perras and David L. Bryce, "Measuring Dipolar and J Coupling Between Quadrupolar Nuclei Using Double-Rotation NMR," Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (2013) 174202. (highlighted by the Canadian Chemical News)
150) Luke A. O’Dell, Igor L. Moudrakovski, "A Combined Ultra-wideline Solid-state NMR and DFT Study of 137Ba Electric Field Gradient Tensors in Barium Compounds," Chemical Physics Letters 565 (2013) 56–60.
149) Luke A. O’Dell and Andreas Brinkmann, "14N overtone NMR spectra under magic angle spinning: Experiments and numerically exact simulations," Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (2013) 064201.
148) Evgeniy Papulovskiy, Alexandre A. Shubin, Victor V. Terskikh, Christopher Pickard and Olga B. Lapina, "Theoretical and experimental insights into applicability of solid-state 93Nb NMR in catalysis," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2013) 5115-5131.
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147) Jun Xu, Victor V. Terskikh, and Yining Huang, "Resolving Multiple Non-Equivalent Metal Sites in Magnesium-Containing Metal-organic Frameworks by Natural Abundance 25Mg Solid-State NMR," Chemistry - A European Journal 19 (2013) 4432–4436. (Cover Article) |
146) Jasmine Viger-Gravel, Sophie Leclerc, Ilia Korobkov and David L. Bryce, "Correlation Between 13C Chemical Shifts and the Halogen Bonding Environment in a Series of Solid para-Diiodotetrafluorobenzene Complexes," CrystEngComm 15 (2013) 3168-3177.
145) Vladimir K. Michaelis, Palak Kachhadia and Scott Kroeker, "Clustering in borate-rich alkali borophosphate glasses: a 11B and 31P MAS NMR study," Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B 54 (2013) 20-26.
144) Pedro M. Aguiar, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Christine M. McKinley, Scott Kroeker, "Network connectivity in cesium borosilicate glasses: 17O multiple-quantum MAS and double-resonance NMR," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 363 (2013) 50–56.
143) Fu Chen, Guibin Ma, Guy M. Bernard, Roderick E. Wasylishen, Ronald G. Cavell, Robert McDonald and Michael J. Ferguson, "An Investigation of 1:1 Adducts of Gallium Trihalides with Triarylphosphines by Solid-State 69/71Ga and 31P NMR Spectroscopy," Chemistry - A European Journal 19 (2013) 2826–2838.
142) Jun Xu, Victor V. Terskikh, and Yining Huang, "25Mg Solid-state NMR: A Sensitive Probe of Adsorbing Guest Molecules on Metal Centre in Metal-organic Framework CPO-27-Mg," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (2013) 7–11.
141) Alexandre A. Arnold, Frédéric Byette, Marc-Olivier Séguin-Heine, André LeBlanc, Lekha Sleno, Réjean Tremblay, Christian Pellerin, and Isabelle Marcotte, "Solid-state NMR structure determination of whole anchoring threads from the blue mussel Mytilus edulis," Biomacromolecules 14 (2013) 132–141.
140) Brett C. Feland, Guy M. Bernard, Roderick E. Wasylishen, "A solid-state NMR investigation of the colossal expansion material, Ag3Co(CN)6," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 90 (2012) 891-901.
139) Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger, Karena W. Chapman und Josef W. Zwanziger, "Multinuclear NMR Study of Zinc Dicyanide," Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 226 (2012) 1205-1218.
138) Bing Zhou, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Yuanming Pan, Yefeng Yao, Kimberly T. Tait, Brendt C. Hyde, John E.C. Wren, Barbara L. Sherriff, and Scott Kroeker, "Crystal structure refinements of borate dimorphs inderite and kurnakovite using 11B and 25Mg nuclear magnetic resonance and DFT calculations," American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 1858–1865.
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137) Margaret A. Hanson, Andre Sutrisno, Victor V. Terskikh, Kim M. Baines, Yining Huang, "Solid-State 73Ge NMR Spectroscopy of Simple Organogermanes," Chemistry - A European Journal 18 (2012) 13770–13779. (Cover Article) |
136) Frédéric A. Perras and David L. Bryce, "Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Crystallographic Structure Refinement and Cross-Validation Using Experimental and Computed Electric Field Gradients: Application to Na2Al2B2O7," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 19472–19482.
135) Xianqi Kong, Luke A. O'Dell, Victor V Terskikh, Eric Ye, Ruiyao Wang, and Gang Wu, "Variable Temperature 17O NMR Studies Allow Quantitative Evaluation of Molecular Dynamics in Organic Solids," Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 14609–14617.
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134) Andre Sutrisno, Victor V. Terskikh, Qi Shi, Zhengwei Song, Jinxiang Dong, San Yuan Ding, Wei Wang, Bianca R. Provost, Thomas D. Daff, Tom K. Woo, and Yining Huang, "Characterization of Zn-containing MOFs by Solid-state 67Zn NMR and Computational Modeling," Chemistry - A European Journal 18 (2012) 12251–12259. (Cover Article) |
133) Andre Sutrisno, Lei Liu, Jinxiang Dong, and Yining Huang, "Solid-state 91Zr NMR Characterization of Layered and Three-Dimensional Framework Zirconium Phosphates," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 17070–17081.
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132) Michal Leskes, Nicholas E. Drewett, Laurence J. Hardwick, Peter G. Bruce, Gillian R. Goward, and Clare P. Grey, "Direct Detection of Discharge Products in Lithium–Oxygen Batteries by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (2012) 8560–8563. (Cover Article) |
131) Sébastien Clément, Thomas Goudreault, Diana Bellows, Daniel Fortin, Laurent Guyard, Michael Knorr and Pierre D. Harvey, "Probing excited state electronic communications across diethynyl- [2.2]paracyclophane-containing conjugated organometallic polymers," Chemical Communications 48 (2012) 8640-8642.
130) J. Stephen Hartman, Bob Berno, Paul Hazendonk, Philip Hens, Eric Ye and Alex D. Bain, "Spin-lattice relaxation in aluminum-doped semiconducting 4H and 6H polytypes of silicon carbide," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 45–46 (2012) 45-50.
129) Frédéric A. Perras, Cory M. Widdifield, and David L. Bryce, "QUEST – QUadrupolar Exact SofTware: a fast graphical program for the exact simulation of NMR and NQR spectra for quadrupolar nuclei," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 45–46 (2012) 36-44.
128) Brandon J. Greer and Scott Kroeker, "Characterisation of heterogeneous molybdate and chromate phase assemblages in model nuclear waste glasses by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 7375-7383.
127) Se-Woung Oh, Joseph W.E. Weiss, Phillip A. Kerneghan, Ilia Korobkov, Kenneth E. Maly, and David L. Bryce, "Solid-state 11B and 13C NMR, IR, and X-ray crystallographic characterization of selected arylboronic acids and their catechol cyclic esters," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 50 (2012) 388-401.
126) Bing Zhou, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Stanton R. Giesbrecht, Scott Kroeker, Barbara L. Sherriff, Zhaohua Sun, Yefeng Yao, Yuanming Pan, "Correlations between 11B NMR parameters and structural characters in borate and borosilicate minerals investigated by high-resolution MAS NMR and ab initio calculations," Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39 (2012) 373.
125) Frédéric A. Perras and David L. Bryce, "Direct Investigation of Covalently Bound Chlorine in Organic Compounds by Solid-State 35Cl NMR Spectroscopy and Exact Spectral Line-Shape Simulations," Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (2012) 42274230.
124) Robert J. Attrell, Cory M. Widdifield, Ilia Korobkov, and David L. Bryce, "Weak Halogen Bonding in Solid Haloanilinium Halides Probed Directly via Chlorine-35, Bromine-81, and Iodine-127 NMR Spectroscopy," Crystal Growth and Design 12 (2012) 16411653. (virtual special issue The Halogen Bond in Crystal Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications)
123) Luke A. O'Dell, Christopher I. Ratcliffe, Xianqi Kong, and Gang Wu, "Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and DFT Characterization of Interaction Tensors in Taurine," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (2012) 10081014.
122) Cory M. Widdifield, Titel Jurca, Darrin S. Richeson, David L. Bryce, "Using 69/71Ga Solid-State NMR and 127I NQR as Probes to Elucidate the Composition of "GaI"," Polyhedron 36 (2012) 96100.
121) Kevin M.N. Burgess, Ilia Korobkov, and David L. Bryce, "A Combined Solid-State NMR and X-ray Crystallography Study of the Bromide Anion Environments in Triphenylphosphonium Bromides," Chemistry - A European Journal 18 (2012) 57485758.
120) David L. Bryce, Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids: Influence of Different Interactions on Spectra", Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance, John Wiley & Sons (2011).
119) David Bardelang, Konstantin Udachin, Donald M. Leek, James C. Margeson, Gordon Chan, Christopher I. Ratcliffe, and John A Ripmeester, "Cucurbit[n]urils (n = 5 to 8): A Comprehensive Solid State Study," Crystal Growth and Design 11 (2011) 55985614.
118) Jasmine Viger-Gravel, Ilia Korobkov, and David L. Bryce, "Multinuclear Solid-State Magnetic Resonance and X-ray Diffraction Study of Some Thiocyanate and Selenocyanate Complexes Exhibiting Halogen Bonding," Crystal Growth and Design 11 (2011) 49844995. (virtual special issue The Halogen Bond in Crystal Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications)
117) Frédéric A. Perras and David L. Bryce, "Residual Dipolar Coupling Between Quadrupolar Nuclei Under Magic-Angle Spinning and Double-Rotation Conditions," Journal of Magnetic Resonance 213 (2011) 82-89.
116) Peter J. Pallister, Igor L. Moudrakovski, John A. Ripmeester, "High-field multinuclear solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and first principle calculations in MgSO4 polymorphs," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 1076-1086. (Special Issue)
115) Glenn H. Penner, Renee Webber, Luke A. ODell, "A multinuclear NMR and quantum chemical study of solid trimethylammonium chloride," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 1036-1046. (Special Issue)
114) Luke A. O'Dell and Christopher I. Ratcliffe, "14N magic angle spinning overtone NMR spectra," Chemical Physics Letters 514 (2011) 168-173.
113) Bryan E.G. Lucier, Alex R. Reidel, Robert W. Schurko, "Multinuclear solid-state NMR of square-planar platinum complexes Cisplatin and related systems," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 919-937. (Special Issue)
112) Andreas Brinkmann, Mattias Edén, "Estimating internuclear distances between half-integer quadrupolar nuclei by central-transition double-quantum sideband NMR spectroscopy," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 892-899. (Special Issue)
111) Jennifer L. MacDonald, Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger, Banghao Chen, Josef W. Zwanziger, Dean Forgeron, "A 43Ca and 13C NMR Study of the Chemical Interaction Between Poly(ethylene-vinylacetate) and White Cement During Hydration," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 40 (2011) 78-83.
David L. Bryce, Cory M. Widdifield, Rebecca P. Chapman,
and Robert J. Attrell, "Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine Solid-State
NMR", Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance, John Wiley & Sons
109) Andre Sutrisno, Li Liu, Jun Xu, and Yining Huang, "'Natural abundance solid-state 67Zn NMR characterization of microporous zinc phosphites and zinc phosphates at ultrahigh magnetic field," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (2011) 16606-16617.
108) Leigh Spencer, Adam Ramzy, Venkataraman Thangadurai, and Gillian Goward, "Structural Complexity and Electrical Properties of the Garnet-Type Structure LaLi0.5Fe0.2O2.09 Studied by 7Li and 139La Solid State NMR Spectroscopy and Impedance Spectroscopy," Chemistry of Materials 23 (2011) 31053113.
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107) Cory M. Widdifield, Alex D. Bain, and David L. Bryce, "Definitive Solid-State 185/187Re NMR Spectral Evidence for and Analysis of the Origin of High-Order Quadrupole-Induced Effects for I = 5/2," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (2011) 12413-12420. (Cover Article) |
106) Isabelle Cloutier, Jérémie Leclerc, Thierry Lefèvre, and Michèle Auger, "Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Reveals Distinctive Protein Dynamics in Closely-Related Spider Silks," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 1047-1054. (Special Issue)
105) Alan Wong, Mark E. Smith, Victor Terskikh, and Gang Wu, "Obtaining accurate chemical shifts for all magnetic nuclei (1H, 13C, 17O and 27Al) in tris(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O) aluminium(III): A solid-state NMR case study," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 1087-1094. (Special Issue)
104) Leigh Spencer, Eric Coomes, Eric Ye, Victor Terskikh, Adam Ramzy, Venkataraman Thangadurai, and Gillian Goward, "Structural Analysis of Lanthanum-Containing Battery Materials Using 139La Solid-State NMR," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 1105-1117. (Special Issue)
103) Brandon J. Greer, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Victor V. Terskikh, and Scott Kroeker, "Reconnaissance of diverse structural and electronic environments in germanium halides by solid-state 73Ge NMR and quantum chemical calculations," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 1118-1129. (Special Issue)
Darren H. Brouwer, Kevin P. Langendoen and Quentin Ferrant, "Measurement
and calculation of 13C chemical shift tensors in alpha-glucose and alpha-glucose
monohydrate," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 737-744.
(Special Issue)
101) Cory M. Widdifield and David L. Bryce, "A Multinuclear Solid-State
Magnetic Resonance and GIPAW DFT Study of Anhydrous Calcium Chloride and its
Hydrates," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 754-763.
(Special Issue)
100) Rebecca P. Chapman, Jennifer R. Hiscock, Philip A. Gale, David L.
Bryce, "A Solid-State 35/37Cl NMR Study of a Chloride Ion Receptor
and GIPAW-DFT Study of Chlorine NMR Interaction Tensors in Organic Hydrochlorides,"
Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 822-834. (Special Issue)
99) Jianfeng Zhu and Yining Huang, "A Natural
Abundance 25Mg Solid-State NMR Study of Layered Magnesium Phosphates,"
Canadian Journal of Chemistry 89 (2011) 803-813. (Special Issue)
98) Aaron J. Lussier, Frank C. Hawthorne, Yassir Abdu, Sasha Herwig, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Pedro M. Aguiar and Scott Kroeker, "The crystal chemistry of wheatsheaf tourmaline from Mogok, Myanmar," Mineralogical Magazine 75 (2011) 65-86.
97) Olga B. Lapina, Dzhalil F. Khabibulin, and Victor V. Terskikh, "Multinuclear NMR Study of Silica Fiberglass Modified with Zirconia," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 39 (2011) 47-57.
96) Jianfeng Zhu, Eric Ye, Victor Terskikh, and Gang Wu, "Experimental Verification of the Theory of Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation in Liquids over the Entire Range of Molecular Tumbling Motion," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (2011) 10201023.
95) Brandon J. Greer, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Michael J. Katz, Daniel B. Leznoff, Georg Schreckenbach, and Scott Kroeker, "Characterising Lone-Pair Activity of Lead(II) by 207Pb Solid-State NMR: Coordination Polymers of [N(CN)2]- and [Au(CN)2]- with Terpyridine Ancillary Ligands," Chemistry - A European Journal 17 (2011) 3609-3618.
Jianfeng Zhu and Gang Wu, "Quadrupole Central
Transition 17O NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Macromolecules in Aqueous Solution,"
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 920932.
(C&EN News of the Week)
93) Luke A. ODell, Robert W. Schurko, Kristopher J. Harris, Jochen
Autschbach, and Christopher I. Ratcliffe, "Interaction Tensors and
Local Dynamics in Common Structural Motifs of Nitrogen: A Solid-State 14N
NMR and DFT Study," Journal of the American Chemical Society
133 (2011) 527546.
92) Luke A. O'Dell and Christopher I. Ratcliffe, "Crystal Structure
Based Design of Signal Enhancement Schemes for Solid-State NMR of Insensitive
Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei," Journal of Physical Chemistry A
115 (2011) 747752.
91) Aaron J. Lussier, Yassir Abdu, Frank C. Hawthorne, Vladimir K. Michaelis,
Pedro M. Aguiar and Scott Kroeker, "Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite
from Anjanabonoina, central Madagascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure
by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy," Canadian Mineralogist
49 (2011) 63-88.
90) Aaron J. Rossini, Ivan Hung, Samuel A. Johnson, Carla Slebodnick,
Mike Mensch, Paul A. Deck, and Robert W. Schurko, "Solid-State 91Zr
NMR Spectroscopy Studies of Zirconocene Olefin Polymerization Catalyst Precursors,"
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010) 1830118317.
89) Vladimir K. Michaelis and Scott Kroeker, "73Ge Solid-State
NMR of Germanium Oxide Materials: Experimental and Theoretical Studies,"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2010) 2173621744.
88) Darren H. Brouwer, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Richard J. Darton, Russell
E. Morris, "Comparing quantum chemical calculation methods for structural
investigation of zeolite crystal structures by solid-state NMR spectroscopy",
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 48 (2010) S113-S121. (Invited
Article, Special Issue)
87) Luke A. ODell and Igor Moudrakovski, "Testing the Sensitivity
Limits of 33S NMR: An Ultra-wideline Study of Elemental Sulfur," Journal
of Magnetic Resonance 207 (2010) 345-347.
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Jianfeng Zhu, Eric Ye, Victor Terskikh, and Gang Wu, "Solid-State
17O NMR Spectroscopy of Large Protein-Ligand Complexes," Angewandte
Chemie International Edition 49
(2010) 8399-8402.
(Cover Article) (C&EN News of the Week) |
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79) David L. Bryce "Calcium Binding Environments Probed by 43Ca NMR Spectroscopy," Dalton Transactions 39 (2010) 8593-8602. (Cover Article) |
Zhimin Yan, Christopher W. Kirby, and Yining Huang, "Characterization
of the gel phases formed in the synthesis of microporous gallophosphate, cloverite,"
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (2010) 10200-10210.
77) Hiyam Hamaed, Eric Ye, Konstantin Udachin, Robert Schurko, "Solid-State
137Ba NMR Spectroscopy: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of 137Ba
Electric Field Gradient Tensors and Their Relation to Structure and Symmetry,"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2010) 60146022.
76) Jianfeng Zhu and Yining Huang, "A Solid-state 51V NMR Investigation
of the Intercalation of Alkylamines into Layered alpha-Vanadyl Phosphate,"
Langmuir 26 (2010) 1011510121.
75) Joseph W.E. Weiss and David L. Bryce, "A Solid-State 11B NMR
and Computational Study of Boron Electric Field Gradient and Chemical Shift
Tensors in Boronic Acids and Boronic Esters," Journal of Physical
Chemistry A 114 (2010) 51195131.
74) Fu Chen, Guibin Ma, Guy Bernard, Ronald Cavell, Robert McDonald, Michael
Ferguson, Roderick Wasylishen, "Solid-State 115In and 31P NMR Studies
of Triarylphosphine Indium Trihalide Adducts," Journal of the American
Chemical Society 132 (2010) 54795493.
73) Gang Wu, Jianfeng Zhu, Xin Mo, Ruiyao Wang, and Victor Terskikh,
"Solid-state 17O NMR and computational studies of C-nitrosoarene compounds,"
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010) 51435155.
72) Igor Moudrakovski, Rouhollah Alizadeh, James J. Beaudoin, "Natural
abundance high field 43Ca solid state NMR in cement science," Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (2010) 6961-6969.
71) Andre Sutrisno, Margaret A. Hanson, Paul A. Rupar, Victor V. Terskikh,
Kim M. Baines, and Yining Huang, "Exploring the limits of 73Ge solid-state
NMR spectroscopy at ultrahigh magnetic field," Chemical Communications
46 (2010) 2817-2819.
70) Cory M. Widdifield and David L. Bryce, "Solid-State
79/81Br NMR and Gauge-Including Projector-Augmented Wave Study of Structure,
Symmetry, and Hydration State in Alkaline Earth Metal Bromides," Journal
of Physical Chemistry A 114 (2010) 21022116.
69) Thushan Pathmalingam, Fatemah Habib, Cory M. Widdifield, Francis Loiseau,
Tara J. Burchell, Serge I. Gorelsky, André M. Beauchemin, David L.
Bryce and Muralee Murugesu, "Combining Oximes with Azides to Create
a Novel 1D Chain [NaCoIII2] System: Synthesis, Structure, and Solid-State
NMR," Dalton Transactions 39 (2010) 1504-1510.
68) Kamal H. Mroué, Abdul-Hamid M. Emwas,
and William P. Power, "Solid-state 27Al Magnetic Resonance Investigation
of Three Aluminum-Centred Dyes," Canadian Journal of Chemistry 88
67) Peter G. Gordon, Darren H. Brouwer, John A. Ripmeester,
"Probing the Local Structure of Pure Ionic Liquid Salts with 35Cl,
79Br and 127I Solid- and Liquid-State NMR," ChemPhysChem 11
(2010) 260-268.
66) Kamal H. Mroué and William P. Power, "High-Field
Solid-State 67Zn NMR Spectroscopy of Several Zinc-Amino Acid Complexes,"
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (2010) 324335.
Igor Moudrakovski, Stephen Lang, Serguei Patchkovskii and John Ripmeester,
"High Field 33S Solid State NMR and First-Principles Calculations
in Potassium Sulfates," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114
(2010) 309316.
64) Peter J. Pallister, Igor L. Moudrakovski and John A. Ripmeester, "25Mg ultra-high field solid state NMR spectroscopy and first principles calculations of magnesium compounds," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 11487-11500.
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63) Andre Sutrisno, Cheng Lu, Robert Lipson, Yining Huang, "Combined 135/137Ba Solid-state NMR at an Ultrahigh Magnetic Field and Computational Study of beta-Barium Borate," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 2119621201. (Cover Article) |
62) Jianfeng Zhu, Irene C. M. Kwan and Gang Wu, "Quadrupole-Central-Transition 17O NMR Spectroscopy of Protein-Ligand Complexes in Solution," Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (2009) 1420614207.
61) M. Vijayakumar, Alex D. Bain and Gillian R. Goward, "Investigations of Proton Conduction in the Monoclinic Phase of RbH2PO4 Using Multinuclear Solid-State NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 1795017957.
60) Jianfeng Zhu, Yining Huang, "A Solid-State NMR Study of Dehydration of Layered alpha-Niobium Phosphate," Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 1018610192.
59) Diana Bellows, Shawkat M. Aly, Claude P. Gros, Maya El Ojaimi, Jean-Michel Barbe, Roger Guilard and Pierre D. Harvey, "Energy Transfers in Monomers, Dimers, and Trimers of Zinc(II) and Palladium(II) Porphyrins Bridged by Rigid Pt-Containing Conjugated Organometallic Spacers," Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 76137629.
58) Bing Zhou, Barbara L. Sherriff and Tao Wang, "27Al NMR spectroscopy at multiple magnetic fields and ab initio quantum modeling for kaolinite," American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 865871.
57) Sébastien Clément, Shawkat M. Aly, Jérôme Husson, Daniel Fortin, Carsten Strohmann, Michael Knorr, Laurent Guyard, Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz, and Pierre D. Harvey, "A-Frame-Containing Organometallic Oligomers Constructed From Homo- and Heterobimetallic M(m-dppm)2M' (M/M'= Pd, Pt) Building Blocks," European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 17 (2009) 25362546.
56) J. Stephen Hartman, Bob Berno, Paul Hazendonk, Chris Kirby, Eric Ye, Josef Zwanziger, Alex Bain, "NMR Studies of Nitrogen Doping in the 4H Polytype of Silicon Carbide: Site Assignments and Spin-Lattice Relaxation," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 1502415036.
55) Luke A. O'Dell and Robert W. Schurko, "Static solid-state 14N NMR and computational studies of nitrogen EFG tensors in some crystalline amino acids," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 7069-7077. (Invited Article, Themed Issue)
54) Cory M. Widdifield and David L. Bryce, "Crystallographic Structure Refinement with Quadrupolar Nuclei: a Combined Solid-State NMR and GIPAW DFT Example Using MgBr2," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 7120-7122.
53) Rebecca P. Chapman and David L. Bryce, "Application of Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance and Gauge-Including Projector-Augmented Wave Calculations to the Study of Solid Group 13 Chlorides," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 6987-6998. (Invited Article, Themed Issue)
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52) Jianfeng Zhu, Amanda J. Geris and Gang Wu, "Solid-state 17O NMR as a sensitive probe of keto and gem-diol forms of alpha-keto acid derivatives," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 6972-6980. (Cover Article, Themed Issue) |
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51) Vladimir K. Michaelis, Pedro M. Aguiar, Victor V. Terskikh and Scott Kroeker, "Germanium-73 NMR of Amorphous and Crystalline GeO2," Chemical Communications (2009) 4660-4662. (Cover Article) |
50) Jianfeng Zhu, Nick Trefiak, Tom Woo, Yining Huang, "A 47/49Ti Solid-State NMR Study of Layered Titanium Phosphates at Ultrahigh Magnetic Field," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 1002910037.
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49) Rebecca P. Chapman, Cory M. Widdifield and David L. Bryce, "Solid-State NMR of Quadrupolar Halogen Nuclei," Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 55 (2009) 215237. (Invited Review) |
48) Hiyam Hamaed, Michael Laschuk, Victor Terskikh, Robert Schurko, "Application of Solid-State 209Bi NMR to the Structural Characterization of Bismuth-Containing Materials," Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (2009) 82718279.
47) Kristopher J. Harris and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "A 13C and 15N Solid-State NMR Study of Structural Disorder and Aurophilic Bonding in Au I and Au III Cyanide Complexes," Inorganic Chemistry 48 (2009) 23162332.
46) Kristopher J. Ooms, Guy M. Bernard, Anders Kadziola, Pauli Kofod, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Solid-state 13C and 59Co NMR spectroscopy of 13C methylcobalt(III) complexes with amine ligands," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 2690-2699.
45) Aaron J. Rossini, Ryan W. Mills, Graham A. Briscoe, Erin L. Norton, Stephen J. Geier, Ivan Hung, Shaohui Zheng, Jochen Autschbach, and Robert W. Schurko, "Solid-State Chlorine NMR of Group IV Transition Metal Organometallic Complexes," Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (2009) 33173330.
44) Victor V. Terskikh, Stephen J. Lang, Peter G. Gordon, Gary D. Enright, and John A. Ripmeester, "13C CP MAS NMR of Halogenated (Cl, Br, I) Pharmaceuticals at Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 47 (2009) 398-406.
43) Andre Sutrisno, Victor V. Terskikh and Yining Huang, "A natural abundance 33S solid-state NMR study of layered transition metal disulfides at ultrahigh magnetic field," Chemical Communications (2009) 186-188.
42) Joel A. Tang, Luke A. ODell, Pedro M. Aguiar, Bryan E.G. Lucier, Dimitris Sakellariou and Robert W. Schurko, "Application of Static Microcoils and WURST Pulses for Solid-State Ultra-Wideline NMR Spectroscopy of Quadrupolar Nuclei," Chemical Physics Letters 466 (2008) 227-234.
41) Peter Gordon, Darren Brouwer, John Ripmeester, "35Cl Solid-State NMR of Halide Ionic Liquids at Ultrahigh Fields," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (2008) 1252712529.
40) Hiyam Hamaed, Andy Y.H. Lo, Leslie J. May, Jared M. Taylor, George H. Shimizu, and Robert W. Schurko, "Investigation of Silver-Containing Layered Materials and Their Interactions with Primary Amines using Solid-State 109Ag and 15N NMR Spectroscopy and First Principles Calculations," Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 1124511256.
39) Fu Chen, Guibin Ma, Ronald G. Cavell, Victor V. Terskikh, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Solid-State 115In NMR Study of Indium Coordination Complexes," Chemical Communications (2008) 5933-5935.
38) Gang Wu and Victor Terskikh, "A multinuclear solid-state NMR study of alkali metal ions in tetraphenylborate salts, M[BPh4] (M = Na, K, Rb and Cs): What is the NMR signature of cation-pi interactions?" Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (2008) 1035910364.
37) Hiyam Hamaed, Jenna M. Pawlowski, Benjamin F.T. Cooper, Riqiang Fu, S. Holger Eichhorn, and Robert W. Schurko, "Application of Solid-State 35Cl NMR to the Structural Characterization of Hydrochloride Pharmaceuticals and their Polymorphs," Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 1105611065.
36) Jianfeng Zhu, Zhi Li, Zhimin Yan, Yining Huang, "91Zr and 25Mg solid-state NMR characterization of the local environments of the metal centers in microporous materials," Chemical Physics Letters 461 (2008) 260-265.
35) Darren H. Brouwer, "A structure refinement strategy for NMR crystallography: An improved structure of silica-ZSM-12 zeolite from 29Si chemical shift tensors," Journal of Magnetic Resonance 194 (2008) 136-146.
34) Guy M. Bernard, Kirk W. Feindel, Roderick E. Wasylishen, and T. Stanley Cameron "Solid-State 31P NMR Spectroscopy of a Multiple-Spin System: An Investigation of a Rhodium-Triphosphine Complex," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (2008) 5552-5563. (Hot Article)
33) David L. Bryce, Elijah B. Bultz, and Dominic Aebi, "Calcium-43 Chemical Shift Tensors as Probes of Calcium Binding Environments. Insight into the Structure of the Vaterite CaCO3 Polymorph by 43Ca Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy," Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 92829292.
32) Zhimin Yan, Christopher W. Kirby, and Yining Huang, "Directly Probing the Metal Center Environment in Layered Zirconium Phosphates by Solid-State 91Zr NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 85758586.
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31) Darren H. Brouwer, Saman Alavi and John A. Ripmeester, "NMR Crystallography of p-tert-Butylcalix[4]arene Host-Guest Complexes Using 1H Complexation-Induced Chemical Shifts," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (2008) 3857-3860. (Cover Article) |
30) Darren H. Brouwer, "NMR Crystallography of Zeolites: Refinement of an NMR-Solved Crystal Structure Using ab Initio Calculations of 29Si Chemical Shift Tensors," Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 63066307.
29) M. Vijayakumar, James F. Britten, and Gillian R. Goward, "Investigations of the Phase Transition and Proton Dynamics in Rubidium Methane Phosphonate Studied by Solid-State NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 5221-5231.
28) Ramsey Ida and Gang Wu, "Direct NMR Detection of Alkali Metal Ions Bound to G-Quadruplex DNA," Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 3590-3602.
27) Darren H. Brouwer and Gary D. Enright, "Probing Local Structure in Zeolite Frameworks: Ultrahigh-field NMR Measurements and Accurate First Principles Calculations of Zeolite 29Si Magnetic Shielding Tensors," Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (2008) 3095-3105.
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Olga B. Lapina, Dzhalil F. Khabibulin, Alexander A. Shubin, and Victor
V. Terskikh, "Practical Aspects of 51V and 93Nb Solid-State NMR
Spectroscopy and Applications to Oxide Materials," Progress in
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 53 (2008) 128-191.
(Invited Review) |
25) Patrick Crewdson, David L. Bryce, Frank Rominger, and Peter Hofmann, "Application of Ultrahigh-Field 59Co Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy in the Investigation of the 1,2-Polybutadiene Catalyst [Co(C8H13)(C4H6)]," Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 47 (2008) 34543457.
24) Michelle A.M. Forgeron and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Molybdenum magnetic shielding and quadrupolar tensors for a series of molybdate salts: a solid-state 95Mo NMR study," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (2008) 574-581.
23) Gang Wu, Peter Mason, Xin Mo, and Victor Terskikh, "Experimental and computational characterization of the 17O quadrupole coupling tensor and chemical shift tensor for p-nitrobenzaldehyde and formaldehyde," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (2008) 1024-1032.
22) Guido D. Batema, Martin Lutz, Anthony L. Spek, Cornelis A. van Walree, Celso de Mello Donegá, Andries Meijerink, Remco W. A. Havenith, Javier Pérez-Moreno, Koen Clays, Michael Büchel, Addy van Dijken, David L. Bryce, Gerard P.M. van Klink, and Gerard van Koten, "Substituted 4,4'-Stilbenoid NCN-Pincer Pt(II) Complexes. Luminescence and Tuning of the Electronic and NLO Properties, and the Application in an OLED," Organometallics 27 (2008) 16901701.
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21) Gang Wu, "Solid-State 17O NMR Studies of Organic and Biological Molecules," Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 52 (2008) 118-169. (Invited Review) |
20) Cory M. Widdifield, Joel A. Tang, Charles L.B. Macdonald, Robert W. Schurko, "Investigation of structure and dynamics in the sodium metallocenes CpNa and CpNa·THF via solid-state NMR, X-ray diffraction and computational modelling," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 45 (2007) S116-S128.
19) Jason W. Traer, Gillian R. Goward, "Solid-state NMR studies of hydrogen bonding networks and proton transport pathways based on anion and cation dynamics," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 45 (2007) S135-S143.
18) Philip K. Lee, Rebecca P. Chapman, Lei Zhang, Jiaxin Hu, Leonard J. Barbour, Elizabeth K. Elliott, George W. Gokel, and David L. Bryce, "39K Quadrupolar and Chemical Shift Tensors for Organic Potassium Complexes and Diatomic Molecules," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (2007) 12859-12863.
17) Rebecca P. Chapman and David L. Bryce, "A High-Field Solid-State 35Cl, 37Cl NMR and Quantum Chemical Investigation of the Chlorine Quadrupolar and Chemical Shift Tensors in Amino Acid Hydrochlorides," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (2007) 6219-6230.
16) Joel A. Tang, Bobby D. Ellis, Timothy H. Warren, John V. Hanna, Charles L.B. Macdonald, and Robert W. Schurko, "Solid-State 63Cu and 65Cu NMR Spectroscopy of Inorganic and Organometallic Copper(I) Complexes," Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (2007) 13049-13065.
Jason W. Traer, James F. Britten, and Gillian R. Goward, "A Solid-State
NMR Study of Hydrogen-Bonding Networks and Ion Dynamics in Benzimidazole Salts"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007) 5602-5609.
14) Vladimir K. Michaelis, Pedro M. Aguiar and Scott Kroeker,
"Probing alkali coordination environments in alkali borate glasses by
multinuclear magnetic resonance," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
353 (2007) 2582-2590.
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13) Gary D. Enright, Victor V. Terskikh, Darren H. Brouwer and John A. Ripmeester, "The structure of two anhydrous polymorphs of caffeine from single crystal diffraction and high field solid-state 13C NMR," Crystal Growth and Design 8 (2007) 1406-1410. (Cover Article) |
12) Kristopher J. Ooms, Victor V. Terskikh and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Ultrahigh-field solid-state 59Co NMR studies of Co(C2B9H11)2- and Co(C5H5)2+ salts," Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (2007) 6704-6705.
11) Pedro M. Aguiar and Scott Kroeker, "Boron speciation and non-bridging oxygens in high-alkali borate glasses," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353 (2007) 1834-1839.
10) Andy Y.H. Lo, Vasanthakumaran Sudarsan, Sri Sivakumar, Frank van Veggel, and Robert W. Schurko, "Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Doped Lanthanum Fluoride Nanoparticles," Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (2007) 4687-4700.
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9) Kirk W. Feindel, Kristopher J. Ooms, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "A solid-state 55Mn NMR spectroscopy and DFT investigation of manganese pentacarbonyl compounds," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (2007) 1226-1238. (Cover Article) |
8) David L. Bryce and Elijah B. Bultz, "Alkaline Earth Chloride Hydrates: 35Cl, 37Cl Chlorine Quadrupolar and Chemical Shift Tensors by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and Plane Wave Pseudopotential Calculations," Chemistry - A European Journal 13 (2007) 4786-4796.
7) Irene C.M. Kwan, Xin Mo, and Gang Wu, "Probing Hydrogen Bonding and Ion-Carbonyl Interactions by Solid-State 17O NMR Spectroscopy: G-Ribbon and G-Quartet," Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (2007) 2398-2407.
6) Darren H. Brouwer and John A. Ripmeester,
"Symmetry-Based Recoupling of Proton 1H Chemical Shift Anisotropies
in Ultrahigh-Field Solid-State NMR," Journal of Magnetic Resonance
185 (2007) 173-178.
5) Igor L. Moudrakovski and John A. Ripmeester, "39K NMR of
Solid Potassium Salts at 21 T: Effect of Quadrupolar and Chemical Shift Tensors,"
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007) 491-495.
4) David L. Bryce and Gregory D. Sward, "35Cl,
37Cl NMR Spectroscopy of Solid Amino Acid Hydrochlorides: Refinement of Hydrogen-Bonded
Proton Positions Using Experiment and Theory," Journal of Physical
Chemistry B 110 (2006) 26461-26470.
3) David L. Bryce, Samyuktha Adiga, Elizabeth K. Elliott, and George W. Gokel, "Solid-State 23Na NMR Study of Sodium Lariat Ether Receptors Exhibiting Cation-pi Interactions," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110 (2006) 13568-13577.
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2) Kristopher J. Ooms, Kirk W. Feindel, Victor V. Terskikh, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Ultrahigh-Field NMR Spectroscopy of Quadrupolar Transition Metals: 55Mn NMR of Several Solid Manganese Carbonyls," Inorganic Chemistry 45 (2006) 8492-8499. (Cover Article) |
1) David L. Bryce, Gregory D. Sward, and Samyuktha Adiga, "Solid-State 35Cl, 37Cl NMR Spectroscopy of Hydrochloride Salts of Amino Acids Implicated in Chloride Ion Transport Channel Selectivity: Opportunities at 900 MHz," Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (2006) 2121-2134.
Acknowledgement |