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Apply for Time

Applying for Time

To apply for time on the 900 MHz NMR spectrometer, interested researchers are required to submit a brief research proposal (see Appendix A). A research proposal for the 900 should be a specific concise project and not a research program of the applicant's research team, i.e., the title and description of the project should reflect a particular research problem to be solved on the 900 instrument.

All proposals will be reviewed and prioritized by the members of the Steering Committee on the merit of scientific goals and scientific quality, necessity for the ultrahigh magnetic field and qualifications/experience of the applicant. Please submit your complete application electronically as a single PDF file to the Facility Manager. At the moment there are no deadlines for applications.

Appendix A

National Ultrahigh Field NMR Facility for Solids

Application form

Project Title

Supported by (list financial support from all sources, e.g. Federal or Provincial government agencies, private foundations, industrial or other commercial organizations)

Name of the applicant (normally PI)


Contact information

Immediate user (if not the applicant, name, title, contact information)

Requested visit dates

Requested equipment, materials and supplies

Requested technical assistance (if necessary)

Research Proposal (one-two pages)

Describe briefly research to be conducted, scientific goals, proposed time frame for the whole project. The proposal should include results obtained at lower magnetic fields and clearly demonstrate why the ultra-high field NMR instrument is requested. Please include a list of the most important publications relevant to the proposed research, either written by the applicant or publications by other researchers.

Brief curriculum vitae of the applicant (normally PI, one page)

Normally, the person applying for the instrument time should hold an ongoing Faculty (including Adjunct) or Staff position at an accredited University or College, or hold a senior research position with a Company.

Brief curriculum vitae of the immediate user (if not PI, one page)

CV should demonstrate sufficient first-hand experience of the applicant, or a person intended to work on the spectrometer on behalf of the applicant, in solid-state NMR, ability to perform complex experiments on modern NMR spectrometers independently or with minimal technical assistance.