What's New
Encyclopedia has arrived !
January 19, 2007
are glad to present you our latest acquisition - the nine volume set of the
Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. This Encyclopedia is a wonderful
concourse of NMR knowledge and history, and it is now available to our users
and visitors (Table of
Contents, pdf file, 848 kB).
900 publication in the Journal of Magnetic
December 7, 2006
Another milestone for our Facility ! Our first publication in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Congratulations to Darren Brouwer and John Ripmeester from SIMS NRC on this achievement (see "publications"). In his work on the 900 Darren is developing advanced pulse sequences to squeeze the most from 1H NMR spectra of solids. See some of his results on our Featured NMR Spectra page.
the 900 NMR Facility Technician Position available
December 5, 2006
Under the authority of the High-field NMR Facility Manager, the Facility Technician will be assisting in development and manufacture of solid-state NMR probes and related hardware, and will be responsible for NMR instruments maintenance.
Apply here (external link, uOttawa). POSTION NUMBER: TSCI0016NED
Post-Doctoral Position in Solid-State NMR Ottawa, Canada
December 5, 2006
A post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR spectroscopy is available in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Highly motivated and independent individuals with PhD experience in NMR spectroscopy are invited to apply. One of the principal areas of research to be addressed involves NMR studies of heavy metal nuclei in inorganic compounds and materials. There will also be ample opportunity for the development of additional research projects by the successful candidate. Candidates with additional aptitudes for the preparation of inorganic and organometallic compounds are encouraged to apply. In the Department of Chemistry we have access to wide-bore 500 and 200 MHz Bruker solids spectrometers. Additionally, we are a 15-minute drive from the National UltraHigh-Field NMR Facility for Solids, which houses a 900 MHz NMR spectrometer dedicated to the study of solids (www.nmr900.ca). The initial appointment will be for a period of one year with the possibility for extension to at least 2 years. Salary will be discussed on an individual basis.
Interested individuals should send a CV and three letters of reference to David Bryce. The position will remain open until filled.
David Bryce
Department of Chemistry
10 Marie Curie Private
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario K1N6N5
613-562-5800 ext 2018
fax: 613-562-5170
email: dbryce@uottawa.ca
web: http://www.science.uottawa.ca/~dbryc159/
Annual Solid-State NMR Workshop
afternoon, May 26, 2007
Delta Winnipeg
350 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
publications featuring results from the 900 instrument
November 21, 2006
We are very proud to announce total three new research papers featuring results from the 900 instrument, all accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry (see "publications") :
The first paper is by Dave Bryce and Samyuktha Adiga from the University of Ottawa and their colleagues from the Washington University School of Medicine on cation-pi interactions studied via solid-state 23Na NMR. These interactions are important for example in biomolecular recognition by proteins, peptide stability, and protein-DNA interactions. Authors have brilliantly demonstrated usefulness of 23Na NMR at high magnetic fields to study such interactions.
The second paper is by Igor' Moudrakovski and John Ripmeester from SIMS NRC. They have performed a systematic 39K NMR study of solid potassium salts and underlying effects of quadrupolar and chemical shift tensors. No doubt this paper will be a very useful reference for everyone working with potassium, would it be in biological assemblies and membranes, or in catalytic systems for partial oxidation.
The third paper is also from the University of Ottawa by Dave Bryce and Gregory Sward. There they report new 35Cl and 37Cl NMR data for a variety of solid amino acid hydrochlorides. Not only of general interest for any solid-state NMR researcher, these new results will have significant impact on future studies of chloride ion channels.
Our sincere congratulations !
November 1, 2006
2005-2006 Annual Report is now available for download.
Should you require a printed copy of this report, please forward your mailing
address to the Facility manager.
user policies
October 25, 2006
Please take note that the 900 NMR user policies have been revised. The Steering Committee has also approved the lower fee for technical assistance, now at $50/hr.
The 900 is on the cover of Inorganic Chemistry !
9, 2006
Our congratulations to Kris
Ooms, Kirk Feindel, and Rod
from the University of Alberta, and to Victor Terskikh from the University
of Ottawa. Their recent work on the 900 instrument, and the instrument itself,
are featured on the cover of Inorganic Chemistry!
Kristopher J. Ooms, Kirk W. Feindel, Victor V. Terskikh, and Roderick E. Wasylishen, "Ultrahigh-Field NMR Spectroscopy of Quadrupolar Transition Metals: 55Mn of Several Solid Manganese Carbonyls," Inorganic Chemistry 45 (2006) 8492 - 8499.