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Solid-state NMR spectra @ 21.1 Tesla
(Click on spectrum to enlarge)

spectra 3
Another example when NMR experiments with low-gamma low-sensitivity quadrupolar nuclei, here Sr-87, performed at 21 T in a straightforward simple manner. Done by V. Terskikh (the 900 Facility) with a home-built 5 mm solenoid probe.

January, 2007

spectra 3

1H CSA recoupled spectra of citric acid. Experiments performed by Darren Brouwer (SIMS NRC) with the 2.5 mm MAS probe. ASAP in JMR.

December, 2006

spectra 3
13C-19F CP MAS spectrum recorded for a hydrated Nafion film. In such high-resolution spectra various C-F species can readily be identified. Experiments performed by Shane Pawsey (the 900 Facility) with the 2.5 mm MAS probe.

October, 2006

spectra 3
High-speed MAS 17O NMR spectrum for 4-nitrobenzaldehyde. Experiments performed by Gang Wu (Queen's University) with the 2.5 mm MAS probe (unpublished results).

August, 2006

spectra 3

Similar to MQMAS, satellite transition MAS of half-integer quadrupole nuclei (STMAS) can be used to separate anisotropic from isotropic interactions. Experiments performed by S. Steuernagel (Bruker) with the 2.5 mm MAS probe.

July, 2006



spectra 3Sensitivity enhancement in MAS spectra of half-integer quadrupole nuclei, DFS (double frequency sweep), RAPT (rotor assisted population transfer), compared with a SP (single pulse) experiment. Performed by S. Steuernagel (Bruker) with the 2.5 mm MAS probe.

July, 2006


spectra 3127I NMR of NaIO4 revisited at 21.1 T. Cq=42.3 MHz, CSA is negligible (the span is <20 ppm). For more see: G. Wu and S. Dong, SSNMR 20 (2001) 100-107

March, 2006


spectra 3In materials ultrahigh magnetic fields are beneficial when studying low-gamma (and) quadrupolar nuclei. These 39K NMR spectra of KNO3 were recorded on our 900 instrument at the resonance frequency of 42 MHz (compare with 23 MHz at 11.7 T). Experiments performed by I. Moudrakovski (SIMS-NRC) with the wideline static probe built by J. Bennett (NRC). (don't mind S/N in the Hahn-echo spectrum, only few scans were accumulated !)

February, 2006


spectra 3The resolution in proton spectra of solids is improved by applying combined rotation and multiple-pulse spectroscopy (CRAMPS). Experiments performed by M. Monette (Bruker) with the 2.5 mm MAS probe.

January, 2006


spectra 31H/13C HETCOR with Frequency-Switched Lee-Goldberg (FSLG) 1H homonuclear decoupling for alpha-Hydroquinone. Experiments performed by D. Brouwer (NRC-SIMS) with the 3.2 mm MAS probe.

December, 2005


spectra 3Both experiments were performed with the 3.2 mm MAS probe. With very short rf-pulses available on the 900 very broad static lineshapes can be correclty recorded. In this case a solid-state 90-pulse for 55Mn was 0.6 us.

November, 2005

spectra 3Quadrupolar Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill (QCPMG) pulse sequence dramatically improves signal-to-noise in solid-state NMR experiments of quadrupolar nuclei, here for 87Rb (I=3/2).

October, 2005



spectra 313C CP/MAS spectrum of caffeine. At 21.1 T note absence of the line splitting due to the dipolar coupling with the quadrupolar 14N. At lower magnetic fields such coupling results in very complicated spectra.

September, 2005



spectra 1
11B MAS NMR spectra of sodium tetraborate (borax). Even at 14.1 T two non-equivalent boron sites would partially overlap complicating interpretation and quantitative analysis of the spectra.

September, 2005




spectra 413C CP/MAS spectrum of tetracycline hydrochloride. Resonances from all 22 carbon atoms are resolved.

September, 2005